Dr Aaron Tan

Aaron Graduated from medicine at the University of New South Wales in 1997. In 1998 he commenced his internship and subsequent residency at Royal North Shore Hospital.

In 2000 Aaron completed his Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and also commenced training with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Subsequently, he attained his fellowship with the college in 2003.

In 2001 as part of his college training he spent 6 months as part of a “special skills” team, working in paediatrics at Royal North Shore Hospital and Westmead Children’s Hospital. Aaron sees this time in particular as being invaluable to his role as a GP looking after children in our local community.

Aaron has been in private practice since 2003 where he also acts as a GP supervisor with RACGP. He has been working in Bella Vista since 2004 and hopes that he will continue to service the local community with the type of medical care that adheres to the highest standards as set by his level of training.

Aaron considers it a real privilege to be held in a position of trust that his patients have given him, in caring for their families.

In Aaron’s spare time he serves at his local community church, enjoys time with his beautiful family, and argues with his wife about how much sport he is allowed to watch on television.

Aaron currently consults at

Norwest General Practice